Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I love them!

We all love our children. I should leave the post at that but you'll be wondering what's going on....maybe. :) My children are wonderful...and awful at the same time. They can try my nerves all day with their questions, talking, screaming and disobeying. At the last minute they turn their big eyes on me, throw their little arms around me and hug....and squeeze...and giggle in my ear. What is a person to make of that? I don't think my body can take all the emotion that two little ones put me through. I guess we're made that way though, to forget the bad and remember the good. If we (mothers) weren't, then we'd have one kid, remember child birth and be done! Nope, not us, we usually want more, forgetting all the pain we were in and continue to be in forever...just ask my mom! Anyhow, I've always wanted kids, I have them and now I'm on an emotional roller coaster for the rest of my life. Good or bad....I'm in! Thank God for my friends and family to remind me why I had these little ones when they scream and for being there to listen to the stories of how wonderful my kids are!

1 comment:

  1. Please send her to my house we need a wonderful mac and cheese maker too.
