Monday, February 14, 2011

Can I say???

Okay friends, I know that I've only just started this blog but I feel the need to share a MOTY moment that happened between the boy and myself about a year ago.

Here's the situation, I picked him up from preschool last year. As he did every day he got in, he buckled himself in his seat and we were off. He was a bit quiet this particular day so I turned the radio on and was singing along. Next thing I know the boy pipes up from the back seat, "Mommy" "yes buddy" "can I say sh**?" Stunned I quietly responded "ummm no." All went quiet until "Mommy" dreading this next one I responded "yes buddy?" "Can I say da## it?" At this point I will share with you that I have sneaked a peak back at him several times and his face is as straight as can possibly be. Mine on the other hand is breaking into a huge grin, I mean really, where did he learn these words? Anyhow I respond to him with a firm "NO buddy." I want to laugh, scold him and call his daddy all at the same time! While I'm thinking of what to do next the final question comes rolling off his tongue as easily as if he were asking the color of the sky, "Mommy can I say fu**?" Well now I've been really thrown off my game. My 3/4 year old is saying curse words, where did he get them from....ummm lets see, he spends more than 90% of his time with....ME! Could I have put these words in his head? Did I subject him to someone who uses these words? It couldn't have been me...right? Okay MOTY it had to have been something I had said or done. Great! I've corrupted my child and am just now finding it out.

What else have I taught the boy and the girl that one quiet trip in the car will show me? Can't wait to find out!

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