Saturday, January 29, 2011


The kids were awesome, the girl cleaned 2 bathrooms and the boy was running errands all around the house for me. When they were done the both sat at the table and signed all their valentines for their classmates, sounds good doesn't it? I had to finish vacuuming so when the boy was done writing his name for the 20th time (never once was it written the same way) I told him he could go play.

I went right back to vacuuming

He was so excited he rounded the corner in a sprint right as I pulled back on the vacuum handle. The handle and his face met. It was not pretty, he was hit right under his eye on the bone. The evidence was left right away. I grabbed him up, got some ice and bribed him with his favorite show if he'd stop screaming (it worked). He held the ice to his sore little black and blue eye and watched his show while I went upstairs ran a shower and cried. I felt horrible what mother hits their kids with a vacuum. Okay so I know it was an accident but does it make me feel much better? Only when he's not looking at me with that cute little face and that black eye!

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